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How are children and young people affected by family violence?

We are all different. Children and young people respond in different ways to witnessing or experiencing domestic and family violence. 

They might:

  • Put themselves at risk trying to stop the abuse.
  • Blame themselves.
  • Copy the abusive behaviour.
  • Show that they feel unsafe, scared, anxious, nervous or depressed.
  • Act 'jumpy' when there are loud or sudden noises.
  • Not do as well as usual at school, university or work.
  • Want to run away or leave home.
  • Attempt suicide or self-harm.
  • Use drugs or alcohol.
  • Eat more or less than they used to.
  • Avoid friends.
  • Sleep differently, like sleeping more than usual or having insomnia.
  • Wet the bed.
  • Have nightmares.
  • Get a stutter or have problems talking.
  • Worry all the time. 

Some children and young people may begin to think that violent behaviour is acceptable. They might think that it is okay to treat others without respect. If this happens, counselling can help.

Learn about therapy options on the Neve page Counselling and therapy (internal link).

Kids Helpline, 1800 55 1800, is a phone counselling service available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. 

Helpful messages to share

Remind children and young people:

  • Not to put themselves in danger to protect someone else.
  • The violence isn't their fault. The only person responsible for the violence is the person who is being violent.
  • They are not alone. People and support services can help.
  • Even if it's hard to find the right words, it is okay to tell people they trust. They could talk to a friend, relative, workmate, teacher, lecturer or school guidance officer.
  • Its possible to talk in a calm and respectful way, even when people feel angry or disagree about something.
  • Violence and abuse are wrong. There are better ways to solve problems.
  • Therapy can help them cope.
  • People care for them. Remind them of who they can trust.

Children with disability are more at risk 

Research has found that children and young people with disability are more likely to experience violence than other kids.

Domestic and family violence can make it harder for children with disabilities to use the services they need.

You can learn more in a report by the Australian National Research Organisation for Women's Safety on the ANROWS website (external link). 

Reporting domestic and family violence

You can make suggestions about how children and young people could respond to domestic and family violence, like reporting the problem to police. However, make sure they don't feel pressured to solve the problem or think its their job to keep others safe.

Phone triple zero (000) if:

  • Domestic and family violence is happening now.
  • You or someone else is badly hurt or needs medical attention.
  • Life or property is threatened.
  • You have seen a serious crime.

Safety planning with children and young people

Help children and young people:

  • Work out who they can trust to talk to about the violence.
  • Find a safe place in the house where they can go during violent incidents.
  • Plan the best way to get out of the house or area quickly.
  • Ask a neighbour or friend who lives close by if they can go to their house in an emergency. Help them plan how to get there safely.
  • Make a list of trusted people they could call if they need to leave home quickly. They should keep the numbers in a safe place or a mobile phone.
  • Talk to any support people they have. They could help plan more ways to stay safe.

How to improve the safety of the person you support

There are many things you can do to help improve the safety of the person you support. Here is a list of suggestions. You should choose options that are right for you and the person you want to help.

Call 000 if you or anyone else is in immediate danger. If this makes you feel nervous or unsure, you can learn more about the process on the Neve page A guide to calling triple zero (000) (internal link).

Don't confront the violent person. It can make the situation worse. Instead, help and support the person they have hurt.

Find a safe time and place to ask the person who has been harmed about their experiences. Be calm. Don't judge. Remember, it is your job to offer support, not take over. You can learn how to have conversations about violence on the Neve page How to talk about violence (internal link).

Support their choices. Ask the person experiencing violence what they would like to happen next. Offer to help them find information and learn about their options. You can learn how to:

Get help deciding what to do. The National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline works with callers to find appropriate ways to deal with reports of abuse and neglect of people with disabilities. To make a report, contact the Hotline on 1800 880 052 or email hotline@workfocus.com. If you do this, you should tell the person you support.

Encourage the person you support to seek help. They could talk to:

  • Someone they know and trust.
  • A helpline. You can find a list of numbers and resources on the Neve page Helpline directory (internal link).
  • A therapist or counsellor. Learn about the different options on the Neve page Counselling and therapy (internal link).
  • A local domestic violence shelter or support group. Learn more on the Neve page Getting help to be safe from violence and abuse (internal link).
  • Peer-supporters, people who have similar disabilities or experiences. You can help them find peer support by asking a helpline or searching the internet for a local service.
  • Self-advocacy groups. You can find self-advocacy groups and information on the Disability Australia Hub website (external link).

Help the person you support plan to be safe. A safety plan can help manage the risks of leaving a violent situation or relationship. Learn more on the Neve page How to be safe when you leave an abusive relationship (internal link).

Even if the person you support is not ready to leave, they can still plan to be safer. Learn more on the Neve page When you are not ready to leave a relationship (internal link).

Keep records of the bad behaviour. If it is safe, help the person you support save phone call logs, text messages, photos or other evidence. If they decide to go to the police later, they will have evidence to show them.

Help them plan how to manage their disability. If the person you support has been hurt by someone who helps them with the tasks of daily life, they may need to plan to have their care needs met outside that relationship. It can be very challenging. If you feel comfortable, let them know that you will help them think of solutions if they want. Help them plan what they could do if they need urgent support.

Help them gain financial independence. This can help them leave a violent situation when they are ready. Find positive steps to share with the person you support on the Neve page Help managing your money (internal link).

Give them information on their right to live free from violence. You can read more about the rights of people with disabilities on the Neve page Disability and discrimination (internal link).

Encourage them to look after themselves. Self-care helps us cope when times are tough. You can read more about self-care and looking after yourself on the Neve page Caring for yourself (internal link).

Help them learn about their legal options. If the person you support is interested, you could help them research legal tools such as restraining and protective orders. You can learn more about legal support in the Neve section Understanding the justice system (internal link).

Report the problem to authorities. You could call your local police. You could speak to a government organisation, like an Ombudsman or the Australian Human Rights Commission. If you report the problem, tell the person you support.

Call a helpline. Australia has many helplines that offer practical advice and support services for people experiencing violence or abuse. You can find a list of numbers and resources on the Neve page Helpline directory (internal link).

Talk to a service coordinator. This can be helpful if the person who has used violence provides a service for the person you support. It could be physiotherapy, gardening, cleaning or anything else in their NDIS plan. Help the person you support tell the service coordinator what happened and what they'd like to happen next, including whether they want their complaint to remain confidential.

Make a complaint to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. If the person you support has been harmed by an NDIS provider, you can complain to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. Learn more on the NDIS Commission website (external link).

Seek support for yourself. Hearing about violence is challenging. Talk to someone you trust. Tell the person you confide in what would and would not be helpful for you. For example, you might just want to talk. Or, you might want practical help. They should focus on you and what you need to be safer and feel supported.

Speak to a counsellor. If you have difficulties you can't manage alone, see a counsellor, therapist or psychologist. Learn about the different options on the Neve page Counselling and therapy (internal link).


If you experience violence or abuse you can contact 1800 RESPECT for support and counselling.
Call 1800 737 732 or go to the 1800 RESPECT website to chat with someone online (external link).

‍To contact 1800RESPECT via SMS, text ‘HELLO’ or any greeting to 0458 737 732 to start the conversation.

Becoming safer

This section of the website focuses on your safety. It has information to help you decide if a relationship is abusive. It shares tools to be safer in a violent situation. It talks about planning for a safer future, like if you leave violence behind. We also share tips to be safe online.

Find out more

Child protection

Child protection is a state or territory-based government system that aims to keep children and young people safe from abuse, neglect, and harm. Here, you can learn how the system works. You can get ideas to advocate for a child with disabilities. You can find help and advice if you need it.

Find out more


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Patricia Giles Centre for Non-Violence

You have rights - Easy Read

A guide for women with disability experiencing family and domestic violence.

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Patricia Giles Centre for Non-Violence

Your rights

A guide for women with disability and mothers of children with disability who have experience of family and domestic violence.

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Escape bag checklist

If you are going to leave a relationship, deciding what to take with you is an important step in creating a safety plan. This checklist helps you plan what you may need to take if you need to leave.

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Supporting children and young people

Family violence harms children and young people, and disability can increase the harm. You can help by letting them know they can talk about their experiences. You can also offer practical support. Here, we describe kids' reactions to family violence. We explain how to report the problem and how to help them be safe.
