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Hi, my name is Leanne Claussen. I'm a 50-year-old woman with a physical disability and I live in Brisbane in Queensland.

It's an unfortunate situation that the NDIS has been seen as a single fix for all things but it simply hasn't been delivered. All the previous services that were in place have been removed, probably with good intentions; however, as a service user, it's left me completely in limbo, without a way forward.

Along with my other medical conditions, such as lymphedema and being in a bigger body, I also suffer from venous skin tags on the back of both my legs. Which bleed, get infected and at times give me 10/10 pain.

Unfortunately there is no wound care available to me. I have looked extensively for help but the government funding for nursing was removed, most likely because this is seen as something that could be under the NDIS, which unfortunately I haven't been able to access.

My daughter changes my dressings a few times a week, she is 31 and has been doing this now for around 7 years. She hates doing it and only puts up with it because I have no one else that can help me.

I have made many, many attempts to get help for myself.
  • Trying everything I can through my doctor
  • Contacting 13 Health for help, only to be told there is none (unless I can pay $100 a visit)
  • I contacted Blue Care, thinking that they could help but not unless I pay the above amount
  • I contacted my local hospital, only to be told that they have a wound care clinic - which is great, except you can only access it if you have been in hospital and need wound care after your stay
  • I contacted Qld Health (PHN), putting my concerns into writing and it did go up the chain but they came back to me with - you have identified a gap in the system but we have no way to fill it
  • I contacted the community access point, only to be told to ring the above people

So, what's my current plan to help myself?

This is the thing - when you have a disability or medical condition that leaves you unable to do things that an able-bodied person could do, you are left with no choice but to self-advocate. I know that sounds scary but there are people and organisations that can help point you in the right direction - like this website for example. It's here to help people like you and me find out information that can help us and also give a glimpse into how others dealt with similar situations, so we can all learn from each other.

So, back to my current plan. I'm now on my fourth attempt to be placed on the NDIS. Will I get over the line this time? I'm not sure but they can't say I haven't tried to help myself. This comes directly under self-care and my inability to be able to change my dressings myself. Hopefully it will be enough?...

If I get a rejection letter I believe I'll still be ok -because the other attempts didn't get to the final stage, so if I get a rejection letter it will open up another round of funding.

I know that eventually all of my health issues will be managed. I know that all the years of going back and forth will mean something.I also know that standing up and speaking out about the gap in services will help more people than just me. I'm proud to be a leader in the disability community. I know that by highlighting the issues we face, we will eventually overcome the barriers and live our best lives.

I hope I have inspired you to self advocate and to speak out and access help if you don't know how to find something you need and I wish you well on your journey of life, happiness, health and wellness.


If you experience violence or abuse you can contact 1800 RESPECT for support and counselling.
Call 1800 737 732 or go to the 1800 RESPECT website to chat with someone online (external link).

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Standing up for yourself

Self-advocacy involves speaking up, solving problems and taking action to help you live your best life. Here, we share tips for getting to know what you want. We explain how to stand up for yourself in a way that helps others listen and share your vision.

Find out more


May 13, 2024


Patricia Giles Centre for Non-Violence

You have rights - Easy Read

A guide for women with disability experiencing family and domestic violence.

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May 13, 2024


Patricia Giles Centre for Non-Violence

Your rights

A guide for women with disability and mothers of children with disability who have experience of family and domestic violence.

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May 7, 2024


Disability Advocacy Network Australia

Find an Advocate

Tools and information to help you find advocacy services in your state or territory.

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May 7, 2024


Touching Base

Booklets For People With Disability

Resources and information for people with disability about seeing a sex worker.

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My journey of accessing help for my chronic condition

A story from our community
