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What is the United Nations?

The United Nations is usually called the UN. It is a worldwide organisation that helps people. Almost every country is a member, including Australia. When a country becomes a member of the UN, it promises to follow UN rules. It promises to support people's rights.

Watch this video (external link) to learn more about the UN.

Australia says it will protect the rights of people with disabilities. It will get rid of unfairness to women. Your country says you deserve to be treated fairly.

What is a Convention?

UN Conventions are agreements between countries and the UN. They describe people's human rights. They explain what a country has to do to respect these rights.

For example, there are agreements that protect the rights of women and people with disabilities.


Agreement on disability rights

In 2007, Australia signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It is about improving the lives of people with disabilities. The agreement protects people with disabilities from being treated poorly.

Countries that have signed the Convention agree to help people with disabilities get involved in all parts of life, like:

  • Work
  • Education
  • Health care.

For example, the Convention says that public information must be easy for everyone to access. It could be in:

  • Braille
  • Recorded audio messages
  • Websites with fonts and language that are easy to read.

Read more about the agreement on disability rights on the United Nations website (external link). You can watch this video that explains disability rights (external link).

Agreement on women's rights

In 1983, Australia signed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). It says that women should have the same rights as men in all areas of life. The agreement is about all women and girls, including those with disabilities.

For example, the Convention says that all women should have information and health care to help them make choices about pregnancy. If they want to have children, they can. If they don't want to have children, family planning can prevent or end pregnancy.

Learn more about the agreement on women's rights in this video (external link).

How can UN agreements help us?

UN agreements do not solve all problems. In Australia, women and people with disabilities are still treated unfairly sometimes. However, countries that have signed a UN Convention must tell the UN about their progress every four years. It helps countries improve.

UN Conventions can:

  • Give us ideas about how to talk about unfair treatment, like when we complain to the Ombudsmen.
  • Allow groups like Woman With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) to stand up for our rights.
  • Remind us that we deserve to be treated well.

You can read about other UN agreements in plain English and Easy Read on the United Nations website (external link).


If you experience violence or abuse you can contact 1800 RESPECT for support and counselling.
Call 1800 737 732 or go to the 1800 RESPECT website to chat with someone online (external link).

‍To contact 1800RESPECT via SMS, text ‘HELLO’ or any greeting to 0458 737 732 to start the conversation.


People are never just one thing. We all belong to more than one community. Our identities overlap and impact one another. For example, a woman with disabilities belongs to at least two communities: the community of women and the community of people with disabilities. How can she cope with and celebrate the overlap of these two identities?

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Diversity is a term that describes all the ways people are different. Differences in ancestry. Cultural, ethnic and racial differences. Differences in age, skills, ability and experience. Diverse people bring diverse perspectives with them. It's what makes our community so vibrant. Wouldn't life be boring if everyone was the same?

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International agreements about the rights of people with disability

This page explains two United Nations agreements signed by Australia. Both affect us. One is an agreement about disability rights. The other is an agreement about women's rights.
