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Tracking, threatening, abusing and harassing

Technology is an important part of our daily lives. Like any powerful tool, it can be used in the wrong way. Abuse through technology includes:

  • Monitoring and controlling, like keeping track of where someone goes and who they spend time with.
  • Making emotional threats and abuse, like threatening to hurt someone or sending mean messages.
  • Harassment, like calling and texting someone after they have asked you to stop.
  • Sexual and image-based abuse, like repeatedly asking for sex online or sharing intimate images of someone else without their permission. It also happens when someone shares intimate pictures or videos of themselves with someone who has not agreed to receive them.

These actions are not just hurtful, annoying or scary; they are against the law.

Abuse through technology can feel hard to manage. It can be hard to recognise. But you can learn the signs and work to protect your privacy. Help is available to keep you safe.

How to recognise the problem

Technological abuse can happen in many ways. It can happen through text messages, social media platforms and hidden devices. It may be done by a stranger or by someone that you know. For example, someone might control or track a woman with disabilities. Or, someone might limit her access to her phone and internet saying it is for her 'safety'.

Examples of technological abuse include:

  • Online trolling or harassment. This can happen through text messages, social media, online dating sites, phone calls, or emails. Someone might keep sending you scary or offensive messages. They might invade your privacy or threaten you.
  • GPS tracking. Some apps on your phone can let someone track your movements and location without you knowing or agreeing.
  • Hidden GPS trackers. Someone might secretly put a tracking device into your belongings or vehicle to follow your movements.
  • Hidden cameras at home. Someone could install hidden cameras in your home to watch what you do and who you see.
  • Internet monitoring. Someone might track the websites you visit, the content you look at, and the people you interact with online.
  • Monitoring your phone. Someone might look at your phone to check your messages, calls, and app usage without your permission.
  • Limiting your access to your phone and internet. Someone might restrict your access to technology. They might control who you contact. They might stop you from communicating with your friends and family.
  • Revenge porn and threats. Threatening to share intimate photos or videos without consent is another type of abuse through technology.

Some kinds of disability make it harder to recognise abuse through technology. If you are worried, talk to a trusted person or call a helpline . You can find helplines on the Neve Helplines directory (internal link).

Ways to protect yourself

You can take steps to protect yourself from technological abuse. 

To improve safety online, you can:

  • Secure your phone and apps. Use strong, unique passwords for your devices and apps. Use two-factor authentication when its available.
  • Be mindful of what you share online and with whom. Regularly check your social media privacy settings. Choose options that keep your personal information private.

Each state and territory has laws to protect people experiencing abuse through technology.

If you suspect that someone is using technology to abuse you, you can:

  • Check for hidden devices. If you think someone may be spying on you, look for any unusual or suspicious objects that could be hidden tracking devices or cameras. You can set some phones to notify you if a tracking device is nearby. 
  • Change your passwords. Someone who has your passwords and codes can always harass, intimidate and stalk you. Create new passwords to prevent this.
  • Educate yourself. Stay informed about the latest digital threats. Learn how to recognise signs of abuse through technology.
  • Reach out for support. If you think you are a victim of technological abuse, seek help from friends, family, or support organisations.
  • Report the abuse. If you feel safe doing so, report the abuse to the police or the eSafety Commissioner.
  • Get legal advice.

The eSafety Commissioner has made Easy Read resources to help you stay safe online. You can access these resources on the eSafety Commissioner website (external link ).

What to do if you've experienced abuse through technology

The first thing to do is to make sure you are safe. Look after your body and your emotions. If you are in danger, go somewhere safe. Seek medical attention if you need it.

Then, take a deep breath. We're sorry you've had to deal with this. We hope the situation gets better. We know that experiencing abuse can be confusing, intimidating, and stressful. People may try to make you believe it is your fault. Sometimes, leaving the situation is hard.

Remember that you are never to blame for bad behaviour. What happened to you is not your fault.

Here is a list of things you could do if you’ve experienced abuse through technology. You should choose the options that are right for you.

  • Call 000 if you or anyone else is in immediate danger. If this makes you feel nervous or unsure, you can learn more about the process on the Neve page A guide to calling triple zero (000) (internal link).
  • Seek support from friends and family members. Tell the person you confide in what would and would not be helpful for you. For example, you might just want to talk. Or, you might want practical help. Let them know not to confront the person who has hurt you. It can make the abuse worse. They should focus on you and what you need to be safer and feel supported.
  • Keep records of the bad behaviour. If it is safe, save messages, screenshots, photos or other evidence. If you need help doing this, ask a trusted person to help you. If you decide to go to the police later, you will have evidence to show them.
  • Get legal help. You can use legal support to be safer, like restraining orders and protective orders. You can also get advice about whether something that happened to you is a crime. Learn about legal support options on the Neve page Accessing legal support and the courts  (internal link).
  • Report the abuse to authorities. Report online harm to the eSafety Commissioner here (external link). You could also call your local police or speak to a government organisation like an Ombudsman or the Human Rights Commission.
  • Leave the situation. This can be a very positive step if you live with the person who abused you. However, it is important to think things through and prepare. Learn how to safely leave a violent or abusive situation on the Neve page How to be safe when leaving an abusive relationship (internal link).
  • Stay and plan how to cope with the violence or abuse. You may not be ready to leave the situation. In that case, think about how you can be safer while you stay. Learn about safety planning in the Neve section on Becoming safer (internal link). People who have been abusive sometimes stop. However, it can also get worse over time. Abuse does not stop unless the person admits the harm they have done, wants to change their behaviour and takes action to change it. Change is unlikely if they keep blaming you or make excuses for themselves. Even if someone wants to change, it may take a long time. 
  • Develop more financial independence. This can help you leave when you are ready. You can learn about managing your money on the Neve page Help managing your money (internal link).
  • Call a helpline. Australia has many helplines that offer practical advice and support for people experiencing violence or abuse. You can find a list of numbers and resources on the Neve page Helpline directory (internal link).
  • Speak to a counsellor. If you have difficulties you can't manage alone, see a counsellor, therapist or psychologist. Learn about the different options on the Neve page Counselling and therapy (internal link).
  • Know your rights. Everyone has the right to live free from violence and abuse. Learn about your rights in the Neve section Our rights (internal link).
  • Look after yourself. Caring for yourself is important if you have experienced violence or abuse. You can learn how to be calm and more empowered on the Neve page Caring for yourself (internal link).
  • Talk to your service coordinator. This can help if the person who abused you provides a service related to your disability, like physiotherapy, gardening, cleaning or anything else in your NDIS plan. Tell the service coordinator what happened, and what you’d like to happen next, including if you want your complaint to remain confidential. You might want to offer feedback about the inappropriate behaviour but still work with the person. Or, you might want a new person to provide the service for you.
  • Make a complaint to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. If the person who harmed you is an NDIS provider, you can complain to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. Learn more on the NDIS Commission website (external link).

Having a disability can make it harder to escape violence and abuse. Limited mobility or social isolation might make it harder to get help. Moving out or getting away from the person who hurts you can seem impossible when money is in short supply. However, help is available.

Even if the person who hurt you is important to you, you can still get help. Many people are hurt by someone they know. It may be an intimate partner, a parent or carer, or someone else in authority, such as a health worker or service provider. You don't have to go to the police if you don't want to. Either way, support is available to keep you safe and help you recover.


If you experience violence or abuse you can contact 1800 RESPECT for support and counselling.
Call 1800 737 732 or go to the 1800 RESPECT website to chat with someone online (external link).

‍To contact 1800RESPECT via SMS, text ‘HELLO’ or any greeting to 0458 737 732 to start the conversation.


Mariam has separated from her partner but he regularly turns up where she is, at cafes, shops and other people's houses. Mariam and her friend go for a drive. A security notification shows on her friends iPhone saying an unknown AirTag is travelling with them. Neither Mariam nor her friend owns an AirTag. Mariam immediately phones the Police, who locate the AirTag on her car and find out it is registered to Mariam's ex-boyfriend. This is a criminal office and an example of technological abuse, monitoring and surveillance.


This section provides information about helplines - telephone and text services that offer help when you need it. Helplines can give you advice, understanding and links to practical support. Here, you can learn to choose a service that meets your needs and prepare for the call. We also share a list of helplines across Australia. If you have an emergency, call 000 (triple zero) to speak to the police or ambulance.

Find out more

How to be safe online

Online spaces help us connect with the world. We can be online activists or learners. We can find entertainment. However, safety is a concern. People with disabilities face unique challenges. Here, we share tips to help you stay safe online. We describe common risks people encounter. We explain how to protect yourself and others.

Find out more


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Abuse through technology

People can experience abuse through technology. This happens when one person uses mobile, online or digital technology to control or intimidate another. One example is using a device to track where someone goes. Another example is sharing intimate pictures without permission. It is against the law in Australia. On this page, you can learn to recognise the problem. You can find out how to protect yourself. You can get advice about what to do if it affects you.
