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Affirmation Cards by Kay Barnard


Kaygan (Kay) Barnard (she/they) is a queer, disabled artist, and activist residing on unceded Whadjuk Noongar Land. Proudly affiliated with local disability community networks, Kay collaborates with fellow activists to amplify voices and advocate for social justice.

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I am allowed to take up space


I honour my right to occupy the space I inhabit, unapologetically and without reservation. With each breath, I expand into the fullness of my being, embracing my presence and asserting my worthiness in the world. My existence is not a burden, but a blessing.

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I am at home in my body


I embrace the harmony and my inner peace within my body. Every curve, every scar, and every sensation is a testament to my journey of self-discovery, reminding me that I am profoundly at home in the exquisite masterpiece that is my body.

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I trust my mind love and understanding


Embracing the gentle whispers of my mind, I nurture trust with love and understanding, allowing its guidance to illuminate my path. With compassion as my compass, I navigate life's journey, trusting in the wisdom that resides within my mind's sanctuary.

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I embrace the ways in which I am different


Celebrating my uniqueness, I honour the diverse qualities that make me who I am, knowing that they contribute to the beauty of the world around me. With each step, I confidently embrace my individuality, recognizing that my differences are sources of strength and resilience.

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I believe in myself and my abilities


Every day, I embrace my capabilities and trust in my ability to conquer any obstacle. My belief in myself is unwavering, fuelling my determination to achieve success. I am deserving, resilient, and constantly evolving, empowered by the confidence within me.

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I am free to express myself how I choose


Liberated from judgment, I unleash the power of my voice and express my truth with fearless authenticity. I revel in the joy of being true to myself, celebrating the unique expression of my essence with unwavering confidence.

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I am worthy of good things


I stand tall as a worthy recipient of all the blessings and abundance that flow to me. My worthiness is inherent and undeniable, and I embrace the endless stream of blessings that pour into my life, knowing that I am infinitely deserving of all goodness that surrounds me.

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I trust my inner voice


I trust my inner voice every day, allowing its guidance to shape my decisions and actions. With belief in myself, overcoming challenges becomes second nature as I recognise the wisdom that resides within. Deserving, resilient, and constantly evolving.

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I can lean on my community


Surrounded by a supportive network, I find comfort and strength in knowing that I am never alone in my journey. I trust in the power of community, leaning on the shoulders of those who uplift and empower me with their unwavering love and solidarity that knows no bounds.

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If you experience violence or abuse you can contact 1800 RESPECT for support and counselling.
Call 1800 737 732 or go to the 1800 RESPECT website to chat with someone online (external link).

‍To contact 1800RESPECT via SMS, text ‘HELLO’ or any greeting to 0458 737 732 to start the conversation.

Artist's statement - Kay Barnard

Kaygan (Kay) Barnard (she/they) is a queer, disabled artist, and activist residing on unceded Whadjuk Noongar Land. Proudly affiliated with local disability community networks, Kay collaborates with fellow activists to amplify voices and advocate for social justice.

With a fervent dedication to disability justice, prevention of family and domestic violence and the healing.

As an emerging artist, Kay is profoundly grateful for the support of those who engage with their work and contribute to their vision of building solidarity, fostering dialogue, and creating meaningful change through art and activism.


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Have you ever heard of disability specific affirmations? This page sets out a set of 9 affirmation cards that you can enjoy. You can also print them out and use them as posters! Check out the artist's statement at the bottom of this page.
